Propaganda, rooted in disinformation, raises concerns that touch upon national security: Sona Ghazaryan

Propaganda, rooted in disinformation, raises concerns that touch upon national security: Sona Ghazaryan

In Strasbourg the PACE Session goes on. The MPs, who are on the waiting list, but have no opportunity to give a speech due to time constraints, can send their speeches for publication. The member of the RA NA delegation to PACE Sona Ghazaryan also took such an opportunity. In her speech the MP noted:
“Honorable colleagues,
In recent times, we have been increasingly confronted with the backsliding of democracy, both within member states and beyond. I share the view that propaganda, particularly driven by certain states, poses a significant threat to the proper functioning of our democratic systems. It jeopardizes our shared values and human dignity, something Armenians experience on a daily basis. We are witnessing how propaganda, financed by third countries, is aimed at influencing our policies. A recent study by the Varieties of Democracies highlights the substantial influence such foreign financing has on our media.
This type of propaganda, rooted in disinformation and psychological manipulation, raises concerns that touch upon national security. Naturally, this has intensified debates around the potential restriction of freedom of expression.
However, I am pleased to note that democratic values have ultimately triumphed in this debate. We have come to a collective understanding that any measures taken to combat harmful propaganda must still uphold the fundamental right to freedom of expression, as outlined in Article 10 of the Convention, which protects the freedom of information.
In line with the remarks made by the ALDE group, I fully endorse the consensus that building social resilience is a key factor. Our media must be encouraged to be at the forefront of defending freedom of speech.
Harmful propaganda knows no borders and has truly taken on a transnational dimension. Therefore, rather than limiting democratic processes, we must focus on endorsing and strengthening them.
To that end, I would like to highlight several important steps we can take:
Promote Media Literacy: We must support educational initiatives that equip citizens with the tools to critically analyze information and recognize biases in the media.
Encourage Transparency: It is essential that we commit to open communication and transparency in government actions, decisions, and funding. This will help to foster trust between governments and the public.
In closing, it is clear that while propaganda may aim to destabilize our democratic values, our response must be measured, rooted in respect for freedom of expression, and focused on strengthening our democratic foundations. Together, we can build the resilience needed to safeguard democracy in an increasingly complex world.
Thank you.”